Last Updated:
July 24, 2024

How Fast Food Kiosks Will affect for the Future of the Fast Food Industry

Discover the Impact of Self-Ordering Kiosks in the Restaurant Industry: Convenient, Fast, and Accurate Dining Experience. Stay Ahead as a Restaurant Owner.
How Fast Food Kiosks Will affect for the Future of the Fast Food Industry
Bogdan Patynski
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Over the past few years, self-ordering kiosks have made a big splash in the restaurant industry. And this is important to understand why, as a restaurant owner. These kiosks offer a convenient way for hungry customers to place their orders with just a few clicks, eliminating long waiting times, and slow service, and enhance order accuracy.

As technology continues to evolve, it's clear that fast-food kiosks are becoming an increasingly important part of the dining experience.

Fast Food Kiosks: The Latest Trend in Fast Casual Restaurants Worldwide

With just a few taps on the screen. QSR kiosks are the latest trend in fast-casual restaurants across the globe. Self-serve kiosks have become increasingly popular in fast-food establishments, with many companies implementing this technology to improve their operations.

These service kiosks allow more customers to order food and drinks without interacting with a cashier, providing a faster and more efficient experience. With the success of fast food kiosks in countries like the US, UK, Canada, and Japan, indicates that this trend is not limited to a specific region but is a global phenomenon.

How Major Fast Food Chains Are Boosting Sales with Order Systems

Major fast food chains are increasingly turning to order systems to help boost sales. By allowing customers to place their own orders through a self-service kiosks, these chains are able to smooth the process and reduce the need for employees to take orders at the counter.

This means that fewer workers are needed at the front of the house, freeing them up to focus on other tasks such as food preparation and customer service.

Moreover, these systems can also help speed up the back-of-house operations by integrating with the restaurant's menu and point of sale or POS system.

The Potential Drawbacks of Fast Food Kiosks and Their Impact on Labor

While the benefits of kiosk technology include increased efficiency, faster service, and higher ordering accuracy, there are potential drawbacks to consider as well.

Aren't Self-Ordering kiosks Going to Affect Labor?

The implementation of a restaurant self-service kiosk in chain restaurants has the potential to reduce labor costs and increase efficiency, but it may also have some drawbacks.

According to a report by the National Bureau of Economic Research, every one percent increase in the minimum wage results in a 0.99 percent increase in the likelihood of most restaurants adopting self-service technology, such as kiosks, in order to reduce labor costs.

While customers prefer the convenience of using kiosks, the shift towards automation has led to concerns over job displacement. A study conducted by Cornerstone Capital Group found that the use of ordering kiosks could result in a reduction of up to 1.5 million jobs in the fast food industry by 2025.

Moreover, the implementation of service kiosks has led to a reduction in the number of employees required to serve customers. For example, when Taco Bell introduced kiosks in some of its locations, it reduced the number of cashiers from five to two, resulting in a 25% reduction in staff.

The use of ordering kiosks may have some potential drawbacks for employees, it can also have benefits for customers, such as reducing wait times and improving order accuracy. However, customers still prefer human interaction for complex or personalized orders.

Ultimately, the impact of ordering kiosks on labor will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific restaurant and its customer base.

The Benefits of Self-Service Kiosks for Restaurant Owners and Employees

Here are 5 reasons restaurants enjoyed having self-ordering kiosks.

For Restaurants

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity: self-ordering kiosks can reduce wait time and increase order accuracy, allowing employees to focus on other tasks and improve overall efficiency.
  2. Improved order accuracy: With customers inputting their orders directly into the self-ordering kiosks, there is less chance of human error due to miscommunication or misunderstandings.
  3. Higher order values: Studies have shown that customers tend to spend more when using kiosks, leading to increased revenue for the owners.
  4. Cost savings: kiosks have reduced labor costs by requiring fewer employees to take orders, especially during slower periods.
  5. Customization options: kiosks can allow for a greater degree of customization in orders, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

For Employees

Owners are not the only ones benefitting from the kiosks!

  1. Increased Efficiency: kiosks can help reduce the workload of employees by automating the process, allowing them to focus on other important tasks such as food prep and customer service.
  2. Improved Job Satisfaction: With food ordering kiosks, employees have the opportunity to take on more fulfilling roles such as assisting with orders, food prep, and providing prompt assistance to diners. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and overall happiness in the workplace.
  3. Reduced Wait Times: A self-ordering kiosk can help reduce wait times for customers, resulting in less stress for employees and a more efficient workflow.
  4. Upselling Opportunities: With restaurant kiosks, employees can focus on upselling and providing personalized service to customers, ultimately resulting in increased sales and revenue.
  5. Fewer Errors: With the automation of the process, there is less room for error in taking and processing orders, resulting in fewer mistakes and a smoother overall operation.
  6. Customer Spendings: In a recent study, McDonald's customers who used the labor self-ordering kiosks spent an average of 25% more than those who ordered through the traditional counter service. These increases in spending are attributed to a variety of factors, including the ease of browsing the full menu on the fast food kiosk, the ability to customize orders, and the absence of time pressure from a cashier.

Maximizing Profits: 5 Ways Kiosk Ordering Process Boost Sales in Fast Food Restaurants

  1. Optimize kiosk placement: Position ordering and payment kiosks in high-traffic areas of the restaurant, such as near the entrance or the counter. This will encourage more customers to use the kiosks and speed up the process.
  2. Simplify the menu: Ensure that the menu displayed on the kiosk is easy to navigate and understand. Diners should be able to quickly find the items they want and customize their orders without confusion or frustration.
  3. Offer deals and promotions: Encourage diners to use the ordering and payment kiosks by offering exclusive deals and promotions that are only available through the kiosk. This will incentivize diners to use the kiosk and increase sales.
  4. Provide clear instructions: Make sure that instructions on how to use the kiosk are clear and easy to follow. Provide visual aids, such as videos or graphics, that explain how to use the kiosk for diners who are not familiar with the technology.
  1. Train restaurant staff: Train restaurant staff to promote the use of the ordering and payment kiosk and to assist diners who have questions or issues with the kiosk. This will improve the customer experience and encourage repeat business.

Self-Ordering Kiosk Design: The Key to a Successful Customer Experience

The layout and design of the kiosk should be intuitive and user-friendly, with large, clear icons and text to guide customers through the restaurant kiosk ordering system.

It is important to keep the design simple and uncluttered, with a clear focus on the menu and the ordering and payment process.

The use of graphics and visuals can also help to enhance the customer experience and make the kiosk more engaging.

Another important aspect of self-ordering kiosks design is its accessibility to customers of all abilities. The kiosks should be designed to accommodate customers who may have physical or visual impairments.

Wall-mounted kiosks are typically at eye level for customers, especially if it's a touchscreen kiosks, which can help with visibility and ease of use.

These interactive kiosks also tend to have smaller footprints, which can be beneficial in QSRs where space is at a premium.

In addition, wall-mount kiosks are a great option for quick-service restaurants looking to provide self-service options without sacrificing valuable space.

A payment processor should also be integrated into the ordering kiosk to allow customers to pay for their orders quickly and conveniently and should be credit card reader ready. This ensures that the process is efficient and reduces wait times for diners.

By incorporating the benefits of self-ordering technology and user-friendly design, quick-service restaurants can increase efficiency and reduce labor costs while also improving the overall customer experience.

Overall, a well-designed self-ordering kiosk can improve the process and enhance the customer experience, ultimately resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Kiosk Highlights

  • Intelligent Upsells: Upsell prompts refers to a feature of self-service kiosks that suggests additional menu items to customers based on their order history or the items they have already selected. This can increase sales by encouraging customers to try new items or adding on complementary products to their existing order.
  • PCI Level 1 Certified: This refers to a security standard set by the Payment Card Industry to ensure that businesses meet specific requirements for the secure processing of credit card transactions. A self-service kiosk that is PCI Level 1 certified ensures that customers' credit card information is protected during the process.
  • Customizable: This means that the self-service kiosk can be tailored to fit the specific needs of a particular restaurant or fast food chain. Customizable options may include menus, branding, colors, and language options.
  • Time-Based Menu: This feature allows a fast food restaurant to offer different menu items or pricing based on the time of day. For example, a breakfast menu could be displayed during the morning hours, and a lunch menu could be displayed during the afternoon.
  • You understand your customers: This refers to the ability of a self-ordering kiosk to gather data about customers' ordering habits, which can help restaurant owners better understand their customer's preferences and make more informed decisions about menu offerings and promotions.
  • Accept Cash Payments: This feature allows to pay for the customers' order with cash at the self-serve kiosk, providing a convenient option for those who prefer not to use credit or debit cards.

Fast Food Kiosks for Sale: Upgrade Your Restaurant Today

Fast food kiosks are a popular choice for restaurants that want to upgrade their ordering process. Restaurant kiosk system are often a tablet that customers can use to place their own orders, allowing them to skip the designated counter and get their food faster.

Many companies offer a free demo of their ordering kiosk, which can help restaurant owners see the benefits of self-ordering firsthand.

Why Fast Food Kiosks are a Win-Win for Restaurants and Customers

By implementing a self-ordering kiosk, fast food restaurants on saving money on labor costs and increase efficiency.

Customers can also benefit from the speed and convenience of using a restaurant kiosk, leading to a better overall experience.

With the benefits of self-ordering kiosks, it's no wonder that more and more fast-food companies are investing in this technology to improve their operations and increase customer satisfaction.

Is it worth it?: The Cost of Having a Fast-Food Kiosks

The cost of implementing a fast-food kiosk system can vary significantly depending on the size and scope of the project.

Larger restaurants may require more complex systems with additional features, resulting in higher costs.

A general estimate for installing a self-service kiosk is around $2,500 to $7,500 per unit, depending on the hardware and software requirements. Additionally, the cost of ongoing maintenance should also be taken into account.

No Restaurant or Café Is Too Big or Too Small for Our Kiosks

In conclusion, an ordering kiosk is suitable for businesses of any size, from small cafes to large restaurants. By implementing our point-of-sale system, you can save money and provide a more efficient ordering system for your customers.

Witness your ROI soar as you integrate fast food kiosks into your business strategy. With improved customer experiences and streamlined operations, you're not just adapting to the future; you're thriving in it.


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