Brass Tap

How Sid Patel's Brass Tap Locations Thrived with WISK's Inventory Management System

Faster Inventory Time
Time Savings in Inventory
Robust Organization and Reporting
Detailed Item Analysis
Efficient Team Support
Instant Invoice Processing

The main challenge we faced before using WISK was the usability. It was very cumbersome system. We used to have a crunch time and not very user-friendly. There's a lot of pieces here to go through just to look at the simple report. Even before that, I used Synergy. Same thing, not very user-friendly, not fast at all. Taking forever to do the inventory.

The Brass Tap locations offer over 150+ craft beers from around the globe in a neighborhood atmosphere that feels both relaxed and upscale.

Sid Patel
Sid Patel
Managing Partner / The Brass Tap Franchisee

“I like the robust system that you guys have. Cloud-based pretty fast. Takes us about hour and a half to do the inventory max, which is pretty awesome.”

The best thing I like about WISK is the scale, which I've been fighting together. Because this is a franchise, I had to get an approval from them. I cannot just line up and start using the inventory system because the data that been shared, they just want to make sure not getting used unpurposefully. But that was the biggest challenge. The inventory system was taking us almost 6 hours to do it and my managers were getting frustrated every week. Managers role as you everybody know that they need to focus more on the guest service, marketing and other. They need to use their time somewhere else. Where you spend 6 hours every Sunday or every Monday in here, not getting anywhere. Even after spending 6 hours, you're not looking at the report that you needed. So that was the biggest challenge we've been having.

Basically. I don't want it to waste more time just signing up something that doesn't work, which we already did in past and tried it and built. So I did some research, joined your trial program and immediately I knew it. I think this is going to work. So since I owned four locations, we did the trial at one location and loved it. I mean, immediately saw the timing for the inventory drop from 6 hours to in the beginning. It took a little bit longer, like a couple of hours, maybe three, but I knew it. As we use longer and as we build more inventory into the system, more sales, it's going to get better and better.

“We are happy because it cut our inventory time more than half. That was the main reason my managers, like I said, can spend more time somewhere else.”

Like I said, I like the robust system that you guys have. Cloud-based pretty fast. Takes us about hour and a half to do the inventory max, which is pretty awesome. The scale is amazing. Like I said, I've been fighting to get the scale system with the corporate since I owned the Brass Tap eight years ago. And finally that happened. So I'm really happy about that. I tried like four different inventory system, nothing compared to WISK. I did a lot of research. Since we go through so many systems, I just wanted to make sure whatever I choose now, it works for us.

I think we are into almost three months now since we started WISK. And like I said, it's just getting better and better every week. And my managers are happy, I'm happy, and the reports that we are looking for, it's amazing. There's so many different ways to look at the reports, and it's so quick, even if you make any mistakes, I mean, you can quickly go back into the back of the house, fix it immediately, and rerun the report, which is amazing. We are happy because it cut our inventory time more than half. That was the main reason my managers, like I said, can spend more time somewhere else. But it needs to be not all day into the inventory. And also the organization that WISK has, if you look at it and the way you can see the reports, also, it's very robust.

The usability of the software, it's so integrated in the detail. Like, even if you want to see one single item, that way you're actually losing money or not making enough money, or your cost of goods sold are higher. You can literally see each and every item and see where your money is actually going. Also, another thing I like is you can also set up the cost of goods or your price that you purchase, and you can set an alert for that. So if it raises prices on you, you know that you can also adjust your prices accordingly into your selling price. Another biggest factor I really like, which also was very time consuming, was inputting the invoices. We had about ten different distributors, and it was taking us every Wednesday or Thursday, a couple of hours to do that with WISK, you just simply scan the invoices. Their team is amazing.

They will process the invoice. You can literally see the whole invoice scan into the back office. So, yeah, it's amazing.

“I would say WISK is perfect for definitely restaurants, quick service, full service. I can also see liquor stores or any retail business who has an inventory can definitely benefit from WISK.”

I would say WISK is perfect for definitely restaurants, quick service, full service. I can also see liquor stores or any retail business who has an inventory can definitely benefit from WISK. Like I said earlier, it's a very robust system. You will love it. I mean, if you have been frustrated with your other inventory system, you definitely want to try WISK.

The Brass Tap Craft Bear BarThe Brass Tap Craft Bear BarThe Brass Tap Craft Bear BarThe Brass Tap Craft Bear BarThe Brass Tap Craft Bear Bar

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